Hedgehog Update: Habitat Upgrade

Hello again GGR readers! I have gotten a few messages mentioning that it has been awhile since I published a hedgehog update. Really it's been awhile since I have provided any sort of personal update altogether. That is something I am going to work on getting better at this year. I hope to connect more [...]

My Wife Has a Crush on a Famous Brit, and I’m Alright With That

        I'm pretty sure every woman has a famous crush. Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pratt, Benedict Cumberbatch, the list goes on. My wife Amy is no exception. I don't know if it's the accent, the fact that he has traveled all over the world and filmed in all sorts [...]

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Kills The Dog Companion

        Dogs are awesome. Big dogs, small dogs, fast dogs, lazy dogs, they are all just pretty great. Obviously, I'm a dog guy. I have two of them and although at times they drive me absolutely batshit crazy, at the end of the day I have no regrets. They make me happy [...]

Counting Sheep

From this perspective it might look like small white fish in a green pond, or a herd of wild lice roaming a green scalp, but these are actually sheep. They are being expertly herded by dogs in an effort to move them from one pasture to another. Sit back and relax and watch the video [...]